TeeKay In Tech

"I grew up in the era that went from mono toned phones and dial up router internet to smart phones and fibre optic broadband - tech is apart of my history".

>Hi there my name is Tiyana Kelly. Currently a Cell & Gene Therapy Production scientist transitioning into a Data Analyst. I have worked in healthcare/pharmaceuticals my whole career but always dabled in Tech (listening to tech podcasts, small coding lessons, VR gaming). During the pandemic, though my job was more than secure, i did a life re-evaluation and had a light bulb moment to dive into a career in tech - more specifically data. I immediately started my journey in January 2022 with python, SQL, Excel and Tableau - all the while documenting my progress on twitter.

The skills in learnt in my current career are extremely transferable into the world of data. I have an analytical mindset, great at making deadlines and working under pressure, can work autonomously or in a team interchangeably, strong mathematic skills, strong creative skills - cultivated through the 1000s of presentations i have to conduct for my team.

Totally irrelevant but cool facts about me:
🟣I'm a voice over artist and you may have heard me in an online KFC compaign.
🟣I'm an anime enthusiast Est.1999.
🟣I currently may read more webtoons and manga than actual books - I'm not proud.

I really look forward to the unveiling useful and impactful insights through the datasets i will be working with - no really, i am genuinely excited!

My Skills

Below are my hard skills that i use for analysing data. My soft skills include - but are not limited to - problem solving, teamwork, creative writing and intercultural fluency

  • Python
  • SQL - postgreSQL
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Tableau
  • Presenting and Public Speaking
  • Excel

My Projects

Red Wine Analysis Using Python In Jupyter Notebooks

In this project I have cleaned and analysed a red wine dataset using Python in Jupyter Notebooks

England Chlamydia Rates In Different Areas Of Wealth In England - Data Visualisation

In this project i compared chlamydia detection in male and female 15-24 year olds from the most deprived to the least deprived decile in England. I used Tableau to make this dashboard and even took into consideration using gender neutral colours.

Querying and Extracting England Chlamydia Data Using Excel and SQL

Here i have uploaded a CSV file into postgreSQL and explored the data by querying it. I also made view tables for others to see relevant data quickily and easily.

Get in touch

Do you have an exciting oppurtunity you think i'd be interested in? I'd love to hear from you! Please drop me a line :)




+44 7951781247
